
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *            main.c
00003  *
00004  *  Sun Sep 24 12:11:40 2006
00005  *  Copyright  2006-2007  Neil Williams
00006  *
00007  ****************************************************************************/
00013 /*
00014     This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00015     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00016     the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
00017     (at your option) any later version.
00019     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00020     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00022     GNU General Public License for more details.
00024     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00025     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
00026 */
00028 #include "config.h"
00029 #define _GNU_SOURCE
00030 #include <errno.h>
00031 #include <math.h>
00032 #include <time.h>
00033 #include <stdlib.h>
00034 #include <string.h>
00035 #include <locale.h>
00036 #include <ctype.h>
00037 #include <glib.h>
00038 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
00039 #include <glib/gi18n.h>
00040 #include <gtkextra/gtksheet.h>
00041 #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs.h>
00042 #include "types.h"
00043 #include "dialog_initial.h"
00044 #include "dim_list_menu.h"
00045 #include "edit.h"
00046 #include "filein.h"
00047 #include "fileout.h"
00048 #include "main.h"
00058 const gchar *
00059 convert_old_df (QlDateFormat df)
00060 {
00061     switch (df)
00062     {
00063         case QL_DF_USSHORT     : { return QL_DF_ISO99;   break; }
00064         case QL_DF_USLONG      : { return "%m/%d/%Y";    break; }
00065         case QL_DF_USSHORT_2   : { return "%m.%d.%y";    break; }
00066         case QL_DF_USLONG_2    : { return QL_DF_US;      break; }
00067         case QL_DF_LOCAL_MONTH : { return "%b %m %y";    break; }
00068         case QL_DF_LONGYEAR    : { return QL_DF_ISO8601; break; }
00069         case QL_DF_LOCAL_DAY   : { return "%m %b %Y";    break; }
00070         case QL_DF_EURSHORT    : { return QL_DF_UK;      break; }
00071         case QL_DF_EURLONG     : { return "%d/%m/%Y";    break; }
00072         case QL_DF_LAST : { return NULL; }
00073     }
00074     return NULL;
00075 }
00077 const gchar *
00078 convert_old_tf (QlTimeFormat tf)
00079 {
00080     switch (tf)
00081     {
00082         case QL_TF_12P :   { return "%l:%M %p";    break; }
00083         case QL_TF_24  :   { return "%R";          break; }
00084         case QL_TF_DOT24 : { return "%H.%M";       break; }
00085         case QL_TF_24P :   { return "%H:%M%P";     break; }
00086         case QL_TF_T :     { return "%T";          break; }
00087         case QL_TF_12TP :  { return "%l:%M:%S %p"; break; }
00088         case QL_TF_LAST :  { return NULL; }
00089     }
00090     return NULL;
00091 }
00094 const gchar *
00095 convert_old_cf (QlCurrFormat cf)
00096 {
00097     switch (cf)
00098     {
00099         /* "1,234.56" %! formatting style for formatting == 0 */
00100         case QL_NF_GRP :   { return "%!i"; break;  }
00101         /* "1.234,56" used for files only */
00102         case QL_NF_OLD_A : { return "%!i"; break;  }
00103         /* "1234.56"  %^! */
00104         case QL_NF :       { return "%^!i"; break; }
00105         /* "1234,56" used for files only */
00106         case QL_NF_OLD_B : { return "%^!i"; break; }
00107         /* "$1,234.56"  default (%n) */
00108         case QL_NF_CURR :  { return "%n"; break;  }
00109         /* "1,234.56%" used for files only */
00110         case QL_NF_OLD_C : { return "%!i%%"; break;  }
00111         /* "1.234,56%" used for files only */
00112         case QL_NF_PERCENT : { return "%!i%%"; break;  }
00114         case QL_NF_LAST :  { return NULL; }
00115     }
00116     return NULL;
00117 }
00120 gchar *
00121 display_date (GDate * gd, const gchar * fmt)
00122 {
00123     gchar buf[MAX_DATE_BUFFER];
00124     struct tm tm;
00125     gsize len;
00127     g_return_val_if_fail (g_date_valid (gd), NULL);
00128     g_return_val_if_fail (fmt, NULL);
00129     buf[0] = '\1';
00130     g_date_to_struct_tm (gd, &tm);
00131     len  = strftime (buf, MAX_DATE_BUFFER, fmt, &tm);
00132     if (len == 0 && buf[0] != '\0')
00133         return NULL;
00134     return g_strdup (buf);
00135 }
00138 gchar *
00139 display_time (GTimeVal * gt, const gchar * fmt)
00140 {
00141     gchar buf[MAX_DATE_BUFFER];
00142     struct tm tm;
00143     gsize len;
00145     g_return_val_if_fail (gt, NULL);
00146     g_return_val_if_fail (fmt, NULL);
00147     buf[0] = '\1';
00148     tm = *localtime_r (&gt->tv_sec, &tm);
00149     len  = strftime (buf, MAX_DATE_BUFFER, fmt, &tm);
00150     if (len == 0 && buf[0] != '\0')
00151         return NULL;
00152     return g_strdup (buf);
00153 }
00162 GDate *
00163 parse_date (const gchar * string, const gchar * format)
00164 {
00165     GDate * gd;
00166     g_return_val_if_fail (string, NULL);
00167     if (strlen (string) >= MAX_DATE_BUFFER)
00168         return NULL;
00169     gd = g_date_new ();
00170     g_date_set_parse (gd, string);
00171     if (g_date_valid (gd))
00172         return gd;
00173     else
00174     {
00176         const gchar *cp;
00177         struct tm tm;
00178         time_t now;
00179         now = time (NULL);
00180         gmtime_r (&now, &tm);
00181         cp = strptime (string, format, &tm);
00182         g_date_set_dmy (gd, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_year);
00183         return gd;
00184     }
00185 }
00187 void
00188 close_dlg (GtkWidget G_GNUC_UNUSED * w, gpointer data)
00189 {
00190     g_return_if_fail (data);
00191     gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET(data));
00192 }
00194 int
00195 main (int argc, char **argv)
00196 {
00197     QlContext * qlc;
00198     gchar * filename, *cwd;
00200     /* I18N */
00201     setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
00202     bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALE_DIR);
00203     textdomain (PACKAGE);
00205     filename = NULL;
00206     gnome_vfs_init();
00207     gtk_init (&argc, &argv);
00208     qlc = ql_context_init ();
00209     main_window(qlc);
00210     if (argc >= 2 && argv[1])
00211     {
00212         GnomeVFSFileInfo *vfsinfo;
00213         GnomeVFSResult vfsresult;
00214         gchar * arg = g_strdup (argv[1]);
00216         vfsinfo = gnome_vfs_file_info_new ();
00217         vfsresult = gnome_vfs_get_file_info (arg, vfsinfo, GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_DEFAULT);
00218         if (vfsinfo->type == GNOME_VFS_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
00219         {
00220             /* relative locations seem to cause trouble with VFS */
00221             cwd = g_strconcat (g_get_current_dir(), "/", NULL);
00222             g_free (arg);
00223             arg = gnome_vfs_uri_make_full_from_relative (cwd, argv[1]);
00224             g_free (cwd);
00225             /* refresh info for the new location */
00226             vfsresult = gnome_vfs_get_file_info (arg, vfsinfo, GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_DEFAULT);
00227         }
00228         if ((vfsinfo->type == GNOME_VFS_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR) &&
00229             (vfsinfo->size > 0))
00230         {
00231             filename = g_strdup(arg);
00232             actually_open (filename, MODE_OPEN, QL_OLD_QLF, qlc);
00233         }
00234         g_free (filename);
00235     }
00236     gtk_main ();
00237     ql_free_context (qlc);
00238     return 0;
00239 }                               /* end of main */
00241 void
00242 add1row (QlTabData * tab)
00243 {
00244     gtk_sheet_add_row (tab->view->sheet, 1);
00245     gtk_sheet_row_button_add_label (tab->view->sheet,
00246         ++tab->file->last_row, " ");
00247     front_is_changed (tab);
00248 }
00250 void
00251 big_draw_start (QlTabData * tab)
00252 {
00253     if (tab->view->display_mode == DISPLAY_LIST)
00254     {
00255         g_signal_handler_block
00256             (tab->view->sheet, tab->view->activate_signal);
00257         g_signal_handler_block
00258             (tab->view->sheet, tab->view->new_column_width_signal);
00259         g_signal_handler_block
00260             (tab->view->sheet, tab->view->select_range_signal);
00261         gtk_sheet_freeze (tab->view->sheet);
00262     }
00263     else
00264         gtk_sheet_freeze (tab->view->report_sheet);
00265 }
00267 void
00268 big_draw_end (QlTabData * tab)
00269 {
00270     if (tab->view->display_mode == DISPLAY_LIST)
00271     {
00272         gtk_sheet_thaw (tab->view->sheet);
00273         g_signal_handler_unblock
00274             (tab->view->sheet, tab->view->activate_signal);
00275         g_signal_handler_unblock
00276             (tab->view->sheet, tab->view->new_column_width_signal);
00277         g_signal_handler_unblock
00278             (tab->view->sheet, tab->view->select_range_signal);
00279     }
00280     else
00281         gtk_sheet_thaw (tab->view->report_sheet);
00282 }
00284 gint
00285 check_entry (QlTabData * tab, gchar * entry)
00286 {
00287     gint length;
00288     gchar *error_message = _("Text must contain valid characters "
00289         "and not contain \\ * or %");
00291     if (!entry)
00292         return 0;
00293     length = strlen (entry);
00294     if (!length)
00295         return 0;
00296     while (length && entry[length - 1] == ' ')
00297         entry[--length] = '\0';
00298     if (length && !strpbrk (entry, "\\*%"))
00299         return 0;
00300     level2_error (tab, error_message);
00301     return -1;
00302 }
00304 gboolean
00305 check_if_changed (QlTabData * tab)
00306 {
00307     gint fieldx;
00308     gdouble temp_double;
00309     gchar linebuf[40]; 
00310     gchar *newtext;
00311     QlFieldInfo * field;
00313     g_return_val_if_fail (tab, FALSE);
00314     /* initial vals */
00315     if (tab->view->activate_row < 0 || tab->view->activate_col < 0)
00316         return FALSE;
00317     if (!tab->view->sheet)
00318         return FALSE;
00319     if (tab->file->changed)
00320         return TRUE;
00321     newtext = gtk_sheet_cell_get_text (tab->view->sheet,
00322         tab->view->activate_row, tab->view->activate_col);
00325     /* both zero */
00326     if (!tab->view->activate_text && !newtext)
00327         return FALSE;
00329     if (tab->view->activate_text && newtext)
00330         if (!(strcmp (newtext, tab->view->activate_text)))
00331         return FALSE;
00333     /* entries clearly don't match */
00334     front_is_changed (tab);
00335     if (!newtext)
00336         return FALSE;
00338     /* check that input is valid in non-text fields */
00339     fieldx = tab->file->col_to_field[tab->view->activate_col];
00340     field = ql_get_fieldinfo (tab, fieldx);
00341     if (field->type != FIELD_TYPE_TEXT)
00342     {
00343         temp_double = qls2d (newtext, field->type,
00344             field->formatting);
00346         if (temp_double >= HUGE_VAL)
00347         {
00348             level2_error (tab, _("The cell contents are not valid."));
00349             return (TRUE);
00350         }
00351         d2qls (linebuf, temp_double, field->type,
00352             field->formatting,
00353             field->decimal_places);
00354         gtk_sheet_set_cell_text (tab->view->sheet,
00355             tab->view->activate_row, tab->view->activate_col, linebuf);
00356     }
00357     return TRUE;
00358 }                               /* end of check_if_changed () */
00367 gint
00368 d2qls (gchar * texto, gdouble input, QlFieldType type,
00369        QlDateFormat formatting, gint dec_places)
00370 {
00371     /* these are for numeric conversions */
00372     gboolean is_negative;
00373     gboolean is_currency;
00374     gboolean is_percent;
00375     gchar * texti;
00376     gdouble temp_val;
00378     /* these are for date conversion */
00379     GDateYear year;
00380     GDateMonth month;
00381     GDateDay day;
00383     /* these are for time conversions */
00384     gint hour;
00385     gint min;
00387     temp_val = input;
00388     if (temp_val >= HUGE_VAL)
00389     {
00390         texto = g_strdup ("######");
00391         return 6;
00392     }
00393     switch (type)
00394     {
00395         case FIELD_TYPE_NUMERIC:
00396         {
00397             is_negative = FALSE;
00398             if (temp_val < 0)
00399                 is_negative = TRUE;
00400             is_percent = FALSE;
00401             is_currency = FALSE;
00402             switch (formatting)
00403             {
00404             case 0:
00405                 {
00406 //                  use_for_comma = ',';
00407                     break;
00408                 }
00409             case 1:
00410                 {
00411 //                  use_for_comma = '.';
00412 //                  use_for_decimal = ',';
00413                     break;
00414                 }
00416             case 2:
00417                 break;
00418             case 3:
00419                 {
00420 //                  use_for_decimal = ',';
00421                     break;
00422                 }
00423             case 4:
00424                 {
00425 //                  use_for_currency = '$';
00426 //                  use_for_comma = ',';
00427                     break;
00428                 }
00429             case 5:
00430                 {
00431 //                  use_for_comma = ',';
00432 //                  is_percent = TRUE;
00433                     break;
00434                 }
00435                 /* this would be case 6 */
00436             default:
00437                 {
00438 //                  use_for_comma = '.';
00439 //                  use_for_decimal = ',';
00440                     is_percent = TRUE;
00441                 }
00442             }
00443         }
00444         if (is_percent)
00445             temp_val = temp_val * 100;
00446         switch (dec_places)
00447         {
00448             case 0:
00449             {
00450                 texti = g_strdup_printf ("%.0f", temp_val);
00451                 break;
00452             }
00453             case 1:
00454             {
00455                 texti = g_strdup_printf ("%.1f", temp_val);
00456                 break;
00457             }
00458             case 2:
00459             {
00460                 texti = g_strdup_printf ("%.2f", temp_val);
00461                 break;
00462             }
00463             case 3:
00464             {
00465                 texti = g_strdup_printf ("%.3f", temp_val);
00466                 break;
00467             }
00468             case 4:
00469             {
00470                 texti = g_strdup_printf ("%.4f", temp_val);
00471                 break;
00472             }
00473             case 5:
00474             {
00475                 texti = g_strdup_printf ("%.5f", temp_val);
00476                 break;
00477             }
00478             case 6:
00479             {
00480                 texti = g_strdup_printf ("%.6f", temp_val);
00481                 break;
00482             }
00483             case 7:
00484             {
00485                 texti = g_strdup_printf ("%.7f", temp_val);
00486                 break;
00487             }
00488             case 8:
00489             {
00490                 texti = g_strdup_printf ("%.8f", temp_val);
00491                 break;
00492             }
00493             /* this would be case 9 */
00494             default:
00495             {
00496                 texti = g_strdup_printf ("%.9f", temp_val);
00497                 break;
00498             }
00499         }
00501         /* now count the digits before the decimal place or the end */
00502 /*      if (use_for_comma)
00503             for (inx = 0; inx < 40; inx++)
00504             {
00505                 if (texti[inx] >= '0' && texti[inx] <= '9')
00506                     digits_so_far++;
00507                 else if (!texti[inx] || texti[inx] == '.')
00508                     break;
00509             }
00510 */
00511         /* have counted places in front of decimal.  Now set
00512            up counter of how many digits to skip before inserting
00513            a comma */
00514 /*      digits_so_far %= 3;
00515         if (!digits_so_far)
00516             digits_so_far = 3;
00517 */
00518         /* start formatting output */
00519 /*      outx = 0;
00520         if (use_for_currency)
00521         {
00522             if (is_negative)
00523                 texto[outx++] = '(';
00524             texto[outx++] = use_for_currency;
00525         }
00526         else if (is_negative)
00527             texto[outx++] = '-';
00528         for (inx = 0; inx < 40; inx++)
00529         {
00530             if (texti[inx] >= '0' && texti[inx] <= '9')
00531             {
00532                 if (use_for_comma && !digits_so_far)
00533                 {
00534                     texto[outx++] = use_for_comma;
00535                     digits_so_far = 3;
00536                 }
00537                 texto[outx++] = texti[inx];
00538                 digits_so_far--;
00539             }
00540             else if (texti[inx] == '.')
00541             {
00542 */              /* turn off commas past decimal point */
00543 /*              use_for_comma = '\0';
00544                 texto[outx++] = use_for_decimal;
00545             }
00546             else if (!texti[inx])
00547                 break;
00548         }
00549 */
00550         /* finished moving everything.  Put percent or minus on end */
00551 /*      if (use_for_currency && is_negative)
00552             texto[outx++] = ')';
00553         if (is_percent)
00554             texto[outx++] = '%';
00555         texto[outx] = '\0';*/
00556         texto = texti;
00557         return 0;
00558         break;                  /* end of FIELD_TYPE_NUMERIC */
00560         case FIELD_TYPE_DATE:
00561         {
00562             GDate * gd;
00563             const gchar * fmt;
00564             fmt = convert_old_df (formatting);
00565             year = (gint) temp_val / 10000;
00566             month = (gint) temp_val / 100 % 100;
00567             day = (gint) temp_val % 100;
00568             if (g_date_valid_dmy (day, month, year))
00569             {
00570                 gd = g_date_new_dmy (day, month, year);
00571                 strcpy (texto, display_date (gd, fmt));
00572                 return strlen (texto);
00573             }
00574             return 0;
00575             break;
00576         }
00577         /* FIELD_TYPE_TIME */
00578         default:
00579         {
00580             hour = temp_val / 60;
00581             min = (gint) temp_val % 60;
00582             if (!formatting)
00583             {                   /* 0 is 7:15 PM */
00584                 if (!hour)
00585                     hour = 12;
00586                 if (hour > 12)
00587                     hour -= 12;
00588                 if (temp_val > 719) /* half a day */
00589                     return (sprintf (texto, "%u:%u%u PM", hour, min / 10,
00590                             min % 10));
00591                 else
00592                     return (sprintf (texto, "%u:%u%u AM", hour, min / 10,
00593                             min % 10));
00594             }
00596             if (formatting == 1)
00597                 return (sprintf (texto, "%u%u:%u%u", hour / 10, hour % 10,
00598                         min / 10, min % 10));
00600             /* all that remains is 18.00 */
00601             return (sprintf (texto, "%u.%u%u", hour, min / 10, min % 10));
00602             break;
00603         }
00604     }
00605     return 0;
00606 }                               /* end of d2qls */
00608 void
00609 connect_signals (QlTabData * tab)
00610 {
00611     tab->view->activate_signal = g_signal_connect
00612         (G_OBJECT (tab->view->sheet),
00613         "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate_callback), tab);
00614     tab->view->new_column_width_signal = g_signal_connect
00615         (G_OBJECT (tab->view->sheet),
00616         "new_column_width", G_CALLBACK (new_column_width), tab);
00617     tab->view->select_range_signal = g_signal_connect
00618         (G_OBJECT (tab->view->sheet),
00619         "select_range", G_CALLBACK (select_range_callback), tab);
00620 }                               /* end of connect_signals */
00628 void
00629 front_is_changed (QlTabData * tab)
00630 {
00631     if (tab->file->changed)
00632         return;
00633     tab->file->changed = TRUE;
00634     dim_list_file_menu (tab->qlc);
00635 }
00639 void
00640 get_window_size_loc (GtkWidget * win)
00641 {
00642     gint x, y;
00643     QlContext * qlc;
00644     QlTabData * tab;
00646     qlc = ql_get_context (GTK_WIDGET(win));
00647     tab = ql_get_tabdata (qlc);
00649     tab->view->width = win->allocation.width;
00650     tab->view->height = win->allocation.height;
00651     gdk_window_get_deskrelative_origin (win->window, &x, &y);
00652     tab->view->x = x;
00653     tab->view->y = y;
00654 }
00656 void
00657 level1_error (QlTabData * tab, gchar * message)
00658 {
00659     GtkWidget * dlg;
00661     dlg = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW(tab->qlc->parent),
00664         "%s", message);
00665     g_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (dlg), "response",
00666         G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroy), dlg);
00667     gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dlg));
00668     gtk_widget_destroy (dlg);
00669 }                               /* End of level1_error */
00676 void
00677 level2_error (QlTabData * tab, gchar * message)
00678 {
00679     GtkWidget * dlg;
00681     dlg = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW(tab->qlc->parent),
00684         "%s", message);
00685     gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dlg));
00686     gtk_widget_destroy (dlg);
00687 }                               /* level2_error */
00690 void
00691 make_basic_dialog1 (void)
00692 {
00693     GtkWidget * dialog1_win;
00694     dialog1_win = gtk_dialog_new ();
00695     gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (dialog1_win), TRUE);
00696     gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW (dialog1_win), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
00697     gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog1_win), TRUE);
00698     gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog1_win), 5);
00699 }
00707 gdouble
00708 qls2d (const gchar * input, gint type, gint formatting)
00709 {
00710     gdouble temp_double;
00711     gint inx;
00713     /* these are for time conversion */
00714     gchar before_char[15];
00715     gint beforex;
00716     gchar after_char[15];
00717     gint afterx;
00718     gboolean got_sep;
00719     gboolean got_pm;
00720     gboolean got_am;
00722     if (!input || !input[0])
00723         return HUGE_VAL;
00724     for (inx = 0; input[inx] == ' '; inx++);
00725     if (!input[inx])
00726         return HUGE_VAL;
00728     if (type == FIELD_TYPE_NUMERIC)
00729     {
00730         gchar *tail;
00732         temp_double = strtod (input, &tail);
00733         if (errno)
00734             return HUGE_VAL;
00735         return temp_double;
00736     }
00737     else if (type == FIELD_TYPE_DATE)
00738     {
00739         GDate * gd;
00740         GDateDay day = 20;
00741         GDateMonth month = 3;
00742         GDateYear year = 2004;
00743         gdouble retval;
00748         gd = parse_date (input, convert_old_df (formatting));
00749         if (!gd)
00750         {
00751             fprintf (stderr, "null gdate\n");
00752             fprintf (stderr, "format=%s\n",
00753                 convert_old_df (formatting));
00754             retval = year * 10000 + month * 100 + day;
00755             fprintf (stderr, "val=%f\n", retval);
00756             return retval;
00757         }
00758         if (g_date_valid (gd))
00759         {
00760             day = g_date_get_day (gd);
00761             month = g_date_get_month (gd);
00762             year = g_date_get_year (gd);
00763         }
00764         retval = year * 10000 + month * 100 + day;
00765     return retval;
00766     }
00768     else
00769     {
00770         /* this would be FIELD_TYPE_TIME */
00771         beforex = afterx = 0;
00772         got_sep = got_pm = got_am = FALSE;
00773         for (; inx < 15; inx++)
00774         {
00775             if (input[inx] >= '0' && input[inx] <= '9')
00776             {
00777                 if (got_sep)
00778                     after_char[afterx++] = input[inx];
00779                 else
00780                     before_char[beforex++] = input[inx];
00781             }
00782             /* for efficient typists */
00783             else if (input[inx] == ':' || input[inx] == ';'
00784                 || input[inx] == '.')
00785                 got_sep = TRUE;
00786             else if (input[inx] == ' ')
00787             {
00788                 if (beforex && !afterx)
00789                     got_sep = TRUE;
00790             }
00791             else if ((input[inx] == 'P' || input[inx] == 'p')
00792                 && !got_am && !got_pm)
00793                 got_pm = TRUE;
00794             else if ((input[inx] == 'A' || input[inx] == 'a')
00795                 && !got_am && !got_pm)
00796                 got_am = TRUE;
00797             else if (input[inx] == 'm' || input[inx] == 'M');
00798             else if (input[inx] < ' ')  /* end of string */
00799                 break;
00800             else
00801                 return HUGE_VAL;    /* invalid characters */
00802         }
00803         /* wrap up the time conversion */
00804         if (!beforex)
00805             return HUGE_VAL;    /* ie, no data at all */
00806         before_char[beforex] = '\0';
00807         temp_double = atof (before_char) * 60;
00809         if ((glong)temp_double == 720   /* 12:00 */
00810             && got_am)
00811             temp_double = 0;
00812         if (afterx)
00813         {
00814             after_char[afterx] = '\0';
00815             temp_double += atof (after_char);
00816         }
00817         /* for 4:00 pm type formatting, change an entry of 4 to 4:00 pm */
00818         if (got_pm && temp_double < 720)
00819             temp_double += 720; /* 720 minutes is half a day */
00820         if (!got_am && temp_double < 419 && !formatting)
00821             temp_double += 720; /* if 1:00 to 6:59 make it pm by default */
00822         if (temp_double < 1440)
00823             return temp_double;
00824     }
00825     return HUGE_VAL;
00826 }                               /* end of qls2d */
00829 void
00830 reset_col_to_field (QlTabData * tab)
00831 {
00832     gint fieldx;
00833     gint colx;
00834     QlFieldInfo * field;
00835     for (fieldx = 0; fieldx <= tab->file->last_field; fieldx++)
00836     {
00837         field = ql_get_fieldinfo (tab, fieldx);
00838         if (!field)
00839             continue;
00840         colx = field->sheet_column;
00841         tab->file->col_to_field[colx] = fieldx;
00842     }
00843 }
00846 void
00847 set_window_size_loc (GtkWidget * win)
00848 {
00849     QlContext * qlc;
00850     QlTabData * tab;
00852     qlc = ql_get_context (GTK_WIDGET(win));
00853     tab = ql_get_tabdata (qlc);
00854     gtk_widget_set_size_request (win, tab->view->width, tab->view->height);
00855 }
00857 void
00858 unselect (QlTabData * tab)
00859 {
00860     if (tab && tab->view->display_mode == DISPLAY_LIST && tab->view->sel_type)
00861     {
00862         tab->view->sel_type = SELECT_NONE;
00863         gtk_sheet_unselect_range (tab->view->sheet);
00864     }
00865 }

Generated on Mon Jan 28 22:02:10 2008 for quicklist by  doxygen 1.5.4